Frequently Asked Questions

What is Datapeers & what is it for?

Datapeers is an advanced data subsetting and masking tool that enables companies to create small sized non-production environments, which only contain anonymized data. It is fundamentally aimed for the automated creation of environments to support software development lifecycles and ensure protection of classified or protected by law information.

What requirements should my system have to use Datapeers?

Hardware requirements very much depend on the size and complexity of your source databases. A professional sizing should be carried out by our team or one of our partners.

As an approximation, the following recommended characteristics can be considered:
Datapeers Server:
Hardware: 4 cores, 8GB of RAM, disk space of at least 20% of the source databases
Software: Any operating system capable of running Java, Java 1.7+
Software: Any operating system, any browser with Flash Player

What happens to the integrity of the database after it is masked?

Referential integrity is always preserved, regardless of the columns that you choose to mask.

Does Datapeers guarantee the protection and confidentiality of my data?

Datapeers absolutely guarantees that your company data is treated in a totally confidential way.


How long does it take to implement Datapeers?

It very much depends on the complexity of the source database and the level of knowledge of its data structures that exists within your organization. Typically a project takes between 2 weeks and 1 month.

What is the main advantage of using Datapeers?

The main advantages of Datapeers are: (1) The ability to protect confidential information and to ensure that data privacy is not violated, allowing you to fully comply with regulations such as PCI-DSS and GDPR; (2) Easily create consistent non-production environments with partial data sets, saving precious disk space and increasing your flexibility.

Can I mask any type of data?

Yes, you can mask any columns from any tables by using one of many built-in functions or using a dictionary.

How can I get Datapeers?

(Português) A nossa equipa ou um dos nossos Parceiros selecionados entrarão em contato consigo para agendar a prova de conceito.

Our team or one of our selected Partners will get in touch with you to schedule a demo.

Can I perform data masking and subsetting at the same time?

 Yes, both features can be used together.


Can I upload the final database to a different database server?

Yes. You can upload an extraction into as many destination databases as you would like, as long as it is the same RDMBS as the original.