How to ensure the security of your business data?

How to ensure the security of your business data?

Threats to data security are getting bigger and more sophisticated, making it harder to ensure data security in companies. Protecting the information that your company generates on a daily basis is essential to the success of the business and at this stage when the new general data protection regulation is about to take effect, it is even more important to work towards securing company data and its stakeholders. In today’s article, we leave you valuable tips to ensure the safety of your business data!

Make backups regularly

It is essential to keep a copy of all the databases that exist in the company, as this ensures that even in situations of attack information is not lost. However, it is important to note that these copies should be stored on separate servers, because if they are all in the same place, they will eventually lose everything.


A virtual private network (VPN) is a type of private connection that uses a public network to access your company data. Contains a connection encryption that prevents data interception and IP tracing. This is the safest way to access corporate data through public networks such as hotels and airports.

Train your team

Employees need to be informed about the importance of protecting information and only with proper training they’ll be aware of the importance of data security. Employees have in their possession valuable company information, such as customer contacts, credit card codes or confidential projects. Thus, they must always work to ensure that the data they have is not lost. Ongoing training on forms of data protection is vital in today’s companies.

Create a security policy

A survey carried out by the Ponemon Institute states that 73% of information technology users ensure that the exposure of company data is due to internal errors, negligence or purposely by employees. To avoid this, it is essential to create a security policy that includes retention of e-mail (a good example is Office 365), that is, you can define that all emails that contain the word “login” must pass through a moderator before being sent. Another important point is to define which documents are public, confidential and secret. It is also important that this policy includes penalties for those who fail to comply. In this way, employees of the company will feel more motivated not to make safety mistakes because they will not want to suffer penalties.

Use encryption in files

Files containing important and confidential information must be encrypted in order to ensure that only authorized persons can access the information. There are free solutions that allow you to put this functionality in the files, but it is advisable to do an exhaustive search on the best and safest, in order to choose the right tool.

About the author

Marketing administrator

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