Data management: How it works and how to do it?

Data management: How it works and how to do it?

In the quest for greater control over the quality of information, the best way to do this is to understand what quality is, and how important it is to the company in the process as a whole. Most companies consider data as crucial elements in their strategies. This is evident, because if the quality of the data is not satisfactory, the information will be incomplete, expensive and inconsistent, which in the end will bring enormous inconvenience to the fulfillment of the strategies.

The data can be considered active, and therefore must be managed. We know that the poor quality of the data compromises both the development of the projects and the final result, because without the establishment of effective data management, we can not expect a good quality of the data.

How does data management work

Data management consists of organizing the data in a logical way in order to provide solid information to support the decisions of a company relying on its most diverse sectors and segments. Data can serve as metrics and indicators for transforming more strategic and less operational activities Data management has as its main objective to organize, as best as possible, company data resulting from the tools and processes performed by the institution or company. It is a systemic process, which begins in the formation of the data and ends when a solution is applied based on what has been obtained and investigated. Today’s data environments are made up of various technologies and approaches, which are responsible for today’s business architecture. But when the question is data management, the question that may arise is, what are the real benefits? How can I deploy data management in the enterprise?

The biggest benefits of data management?

We must first take into consideration that each company is unique, and the benefits may vary, but through a well-run data management job, there is no doubt that your company will have a number of benefits.

Consolidation of information

Due to the cross-referencing of the collected data it is possible to carry out the solid information gathering, which will facilitate the decision making based on data and leaving aside the decisions by impulse. We must not forget that impulse decisions are the main causes of errors in companies and therefore, to combat them is extremely important.

Understanding the processes

Once the data management is adopted, we have a better understanding of the actual needs of the company, which will form an important basis that will assist in the establishment of planning and will guide the creation of new sales actions.

Process optimization

With data management you can evaluate the performance of each area of ​​your business, which will allow you to find the possible process errors and correct them, increasing production and reducing costs. If processes are being optimized, fewer collaborators will need to focus on more bureaucratic and operational issues, and may have more focus on strategies.

Alignment in the areas of technology

The company will have a better alignment between the areas of technology (IT) and the business areas. This alignment is a fundamental premise for the smooth operation of data management. The other areas within IT, for example: process mapping areas and systems development areas can benefit from alignment already started. In this way, the IT area can be more active in the company, also participating in processes and strategic planning, producing reports and data that may be important for the whole organization.

Organizational culture based on metrics

We can also highlight the creation of the culture of the use of process indicators, quality and performance of data and information. This culture is important to keep data management in line with company strategy.

How to deploy enterprise data management

Deploying data management in your company, while appearing somewhat complex, it’s not difficult and also doesn’t demand a large investment. Even small and medium-sized companies can start their data management through the implementation of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. Using this system you can manage all the data generated by your company in a simplified way and on a single platform, which reduces the risk of errors and divergences.

An article by: GestãoClick


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Marketing administrator

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