Tag Archive marketing

The importance of database security in enterprises

We are currently living in the information age. This is already a universal truth and more and more information becomes the most important asset of any company. It is essential that a company’s database receives special attention so as to ensure that it remains inviolable. In today’s business scenario, the proper use of solutions for data storage and recovery is a critical factor for the success (or not) of companies. In today’s article, we talk about the importance of database security in companies!

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GDPR: marketing opportunity or the end of digital communication?

Since the announcement of its arrival the new General Regulation on Data Protection (GDPR) has caused controversy. Its application is not yet very clear for all companies, which creates some confusion and fears about its implementation. Most companies look at GDRP as an enemy of digital communication, but there are others who can see a marketing opportunity here that can help them grow. In today’s article, we will find out if the GDPR is a marketing opportunity or if it is the opposite: the end of digital communication!

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Find how to use data analysis to increase your sales

Companies generate more and more data in their daily lives, but more important than quantity is the quality of the analysis of the information generated. There is currently more than 5 times information than in 1987 and one of the biggest challenges for companies is to analyze data effectively so that decisions can be made on the basis of reliable facts. Well-conducted data analysis is very important to the company’s success, particularly in terms of increased sales. In today’s article, we cover the key aspects of using data analysis to increase your sales!

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How Big Data transforms every sector of your business

The correct treatment of data in companies proves to be one of the greatest opportunities in the world today. The data analytics area creates value across all sectors of an organization and enables better customer service. The volume of data has grown at an amazing rate in recent times. If we stop in the street to observe the behavior of people, we easily realize that the human being is increasingly connected and that generates, whether through sending e-mails, surveys or publications in social media, a huge amount of data all the days. But how does this “boom” of data generated impact on every sector of your business?

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Can GDPR and Marketing be good friends?

GDPR has arrived and the doubts surrounding its application are still more than many. However, the answer to the question “GDPR and Marketing can be good friends” is affirmative. The new general data protection regulation aims to solve your current contact problems, which may be future clients of your company. In today’s article, we will present a few cases where we can prove that the GDPR has come to be a good ally of Marketing and not to be an enemy, as many companies think!

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5 Tips to Make an Infallible Data Analysis

Companies generate more and more data in their daily lives, but more important than quantity is the ability to analyze the information generated. There is currently more than 5 times more information than in 1987, and one of the biggest challenges for companies is to analyze data effectively so they can make decisions on the basis of reliable facts. It is not always easy to deal with so much information and finding the best tactics for data analysis can be a very difficult task. In today’s article, we’ve put together 5 tips for doing a foolproof data analysis!

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Digital Marketing and GDPR: find the main changes

The General Regulation on Data Protection takes effect on May 25. This new law brings changes that will have a great impact on the life of companies, especially at the level of digital marketing. Citizens are better protected by this new legislation and companies need to adapt to avoid risking defaults and suffering heavy fines from the GDPR. In today’s article, we talked about the key changes GDPR brings to the digital marketing arena!

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Data Loss in Business: What to Do to Minimize Impact?

As far as data loss is concerned, prevention is always the best solution. More than ever, business information is very valuable because it is through the data they have that companies can analyze their audience, define marketing campaigns and guide the entire business strategy. However, there are more and more threats to information security, so it is essential to devise strategies to minimize the impact in case of data loss in companies. In today’s article, we mentioned some ways to minimize the damage caused by data loss!

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The Best Tips for Managing Databases

The customer database is very important for greater efficiency of internal processes. It is also through the knowledge generated by the databases that communication and marketing strategies are defined and sales are increased. All managers recognize the importance of databases because information is an increasingly important asset in today’s business world. In today’s article, let’s talk about the best tips for managing databases! Read More

The Importance of Predictive Analysis for a Company’s Success

Guessing the future is something we would all like to achieve, whether in our private life and in our professional life. If we could know in advance that a major economic crisis would affect our company, we would be able to create an effective plan to minimize the impacts of this crisis. Predictive analysis doesn’t promise to guess the future, but it can help to create strategies that anticipate trends. In today’s article, let’s talk about the importance of predictive analytics for a company’s success! Read More