Tag Archive Netflix

Find how to use data analysis to increase your sales

Companies generate more and more data in their daily lives, but more important than quantity is the quality of the analysis of the information generated. There is currently more than 5 times information than in 1987 and one of the biggest challenges for companies is to analyze data effectively so that decisions can be made on the basis of reliable facts. Well-conducted data analysis is very important to the company’s success, particularly in terms of increased sales. In today’s article, we cover the key aspects of using data analysis to increase your sales!

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Top 5 series for true technology lovers

Watching a series is a time to relax, but it can also be a time to learn. Technological innovations don’t cease to emerge and so content producers are dedicated to writing scripts focused on technology and how it can help (or complicate) our lives. There are mandatory series for true tech fans and in today’s article we highlight the top 5 series that you should watch!

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