Everything you ever wanted to know about Internet of Things

Everything you ever wanted to know about Internet of Things

When we speak about technological revolution, it is impossible not to refer the Internet of Things (IoT). This concept brings a great change in how we do everything: how we live and how we work. Although it is a topic that has been much discussed recently, there is still a great deal of ignorance about what it is and how it can be applied. In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about Internet of Things!

What is Internet of Things?

In a very simple way, the Internet of Things is the way things are connected and how communicate with each other and with the users, through intelligent sensors and software that transmit data to a network. With the Internet of Things we can connect everything (absolutely everything!) that we use on a daily basis to the network, so that we have a more conscious and responsive world!

What is the real function of this technological revolution?

Unlike many people think, the goal of IoT is not to give new functionality to objects. The real goal is to connect the objects to the network so they can be controlled by mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. A refrigerator, for example, may have a display to show recipes available on the Internet.

How does the Internet of Things apply in the business world and in industries?

With Internet of Things it is possible to collect data about consumers in real time, anticipating their needs and creating strategies and campaigns that satisfy them. Real-time data collection is much more effective than thorough market research and changes the way we work in the business world.

The Internet of Things can be used to convey information about the wear and tear of a company’s equipment, thus helping with maintenance issues. It is also possible to recognize faults early in production processes, which allows the problem to be repaired immediately, preventing more serious complications in the future.

It allows to monitor fleets and optimize speeds, fuel consumption, vehicle status, among other indicators.

How to ensure information security in the midst of this revolution?

The biggest concern of companies is regarding the security and privacy of the sensors used, due to the data they store. With billions of devices connected to each other, what can people do to make sure their information stays secure? For this reason, the Internet of Things may also increase the risks of security threats to businesses around the world. Therefore, it is essential that companies adopt enhanced security measures in this period to ensure that they don’t lose their data.

Internet of Things can apply virtually to everything and is put by Gartner in the mix of the five digital technologies that most companies will have included in their platforms in the coming years. This is another concept that shows the importance of having information in real time. Every time people need to be constantly updated and this contributes to improvements in the industrial and business processes.

About the author

Marketing administrator

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