How to use artificial intelligence to protect sensitive data?

How to use artificial intelligence to protect sensitive data?

Artificial intelligence can help many industries by simplifying processes and increasing performance. Sensitive data protection is an area in which artificial intelligence will have a significant impact. Today, the amount of information that is generated in a company is incalculable, so collecting and processing data has become a major job. Due to the increasing need to protect data, companies have begun to invest in technology to process data. In today’s article, we’ll see how artificial intelligence can help companies protect their sensitive data!

But after all, what is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to think like humans. This term defines their ability to learn, reason and decide autonomously and intelligently. Contrary to popular belief, this is not a recent concept. The concept of artificial intelligence first came into being in 1956 by John McCarthy, a university professor who used the term to describe a faraway world where machines would be able to solve all the problems that until then were exclusively solved by humans. The distant world is our world now!

How can artificial intelligence improve information security?

Today, companies are expected to use encryption and data masking to improve cybersecurity. However, to keep up with developments, artificial intelligence tools need to be incorporated to detect potential threats in a timely manner. The tendency is for IT professionals to invest in artificial intelligence tools to improve security. The implementation of these systems can serve as a differential factor to face attacks and protect the company from potential threats. Malware, for example, is typically communicated in encrypted form, and sensitive data is sent through systems in the Cloud. Artificial intelligence can detect and prevent the use of encryption to mask malicious activity. Artificial intelligence tools will be able to automatically learn and detect unusual patterns in web traffic environments, eliminating threats before they become a real danger to organizations.

What are the challenges of artificial intelligence?

This new way of managing information technologies with artificial intelligence presents numerous challenges. First of all is resistance to change. There is still some distrust of artificial intelligence and there is a fear that task automation will endanger people’s jobs.

Another challenge concerns data disorganization. Most companies do not have data in an organized way and Artificial Intelligence works entirely based on reading information to perform its function. When you read wrong information, you create wrong patterns.

Finally, another challenge of this sector is the lack of planning. Some companies deploy AI so as not to be out of the market or because the competitor deployed and had a good result. However, each case is a case and if there is no planning on what the company expects from the machine and if there is not enough well-structured data, all investment falls apart. You need to do market research and evaluate the pros and cons of technology and its applicability to the business.


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Marketing administrator

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