Tag Archive automatização dos processos

Automation of information security: yes or no?

Many managers feel that software is faster than people and doesn’t make mistakes. This is a very simplistic view of the machines versus people dichotomy and doesn’t take into account all the valencies of process automation for a company’s productivity. Increasingly, automation is present in everyday business, as services have become more efficient, industry has become more productive and complex tasks are accomplished in a shorter period of time. The automation of information security begins to gain prominence in companies, but there is still a lot of ignorance and a lot of distrust regarding this practice. In today’s article, let’s see if we should say “yes” or “no” to the automation of information security!

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How digital transformation is changing companies

Digital transformation: the present and the future of companies

Technology has changed everything: the way we live and the way we work. It is impossible for a company live without using technology. Digital transformation goes far beyond marketing and software: it encompasses every form of running a business and is imperative to keep up with market developments. In today’s article, we will address the key issues related to digital transformation in companies.

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