The General Regulation on Data Protection entered into force with mandatory character in the European Union on May 25 and there are still some doubts regarding its scope of action. One of the most debated issues has been related to the DPO – Data Protection Officer – a figure that comes with the creation of this new legislation. In today’s article, we will address all issues related to the DPO, the new profession created by the GDPR!
It is no longer news that companies need to protect their information more and more. We live in a highly digital world and therefore the threats have proliferated at a very fast speed. Nowadays companies need to effectively use data security solutions, otherwise they will be able to see their confidential information exposed. A security breach can be dramatic for a business, and may even dictate its end. When a computer disaster knocks on our door, it is normal for us to be disoriented and at an early stage we do not know what to do. In today’s article, we leave you some tips on what to do in case of computer disaster!
Since the announcement of its arrival the new General Regulation on Data Protection (GDPR) has caused controversy. Its application is not yet very clear for all companies, which creates some confusion and fears about its implementation. Most companies look at GDRP as an enemy of digital communication, but there are others who can see a marketing opportunity here that can help them grow. In today’s article, we will find out if the GDPR is a marketing opportunity or if it is the opposite: the end of digital communication!
Corporate e-mail is one of the most commonly used tools in companies and stores important and sensitive information, so there should be maximum care in protecting them. Almost all important business information is passed via email and you need to take proactive action in this area so there is no risk of losing sensitive data. In today’s article, we present you 7 foolproof tips to protect your corporate email!
In the quest for greater control over the quality of information, the best way to do this is to understand what quality is, and how important it is to the company in the process as a whole. Most companies consider data as crucial elements in their strategies. This is evident, because if the quality of the data is not satisfactory, the information will be incomplete, expensive and inconsistent, which in the end will bring enormous inconvenience to the fulfillment of the strategies.
The data can be considered active, and therefore must be managed. We know that the poor quality of the data compromises both the development of the projects and the final result, because without the establishment of effective data management, we can not expect a good quality of the data.
Information security is one of the areas that has evolved most over the years, in particular due to the increasing number of threats in the web world. Today, more than ever, information is seen by companies as a commodity that needs to be highly protected because it is through the data that companies make decisions and that make the business grow. In today’s article, we address information security trends for years to come!
Companies generate more and more data in their daily lives, but more important than quantity is the quality of the analysis of the information generated. There is currently more than 5 times information than in 1987 and one of the biggest challenges for companies is to analyze data effectively so that decisions can be made on the basis of reliable facts. Well-conducted data analysis is very important to the company’s success, particularly in terms of increased sales. In today’s article, we cover the key aspects of using data analysis to increase your sales!
The correct treatment of data in companies proves to be one of the greatest opportunities in the world today. The data analytics area creates value across all sectors of an organization and enables better customer service. The volume of data has grown at an amazing rate in recent times. If we stop in the street to observe the behavior of people, we easily realize that the human being is increasingly connected and that generates, whether through sending e-mails, surveys or publications in social media, a huge amount of data all the days. But how does this “boom” of data generated impact on every sector of your business?
Information protection is one of the most important issues in companies. Failure to protect data can compromise a company’s entire business, so it is imperative that you take the necessary steps to ensure that no confidential information is lost. Encryption is a set of techniques used to protect information so that only authorized persons can access it. The word cryptography derives from the Greek, in which crypto means hidden and graph means writing. In a very simple way, we can say that cryptography means hidden writing. The encryption techniques transform the data into codes, preventing them from being read by unauthorised persons. Only those who have the “key” of the file can perform the reading of the information. In today’s article, we’ll cover the most effective types of encryption for your business!
Big Data is a term that is already part of everyday business. Big Data defines the immeasurable volume of data (structured or not) that impact business in your day-to-day life. Much more important than the amount of data that is generated daily is what companies can effectively do with this data in order to increase the quality of their performance. According to IBM, there are now three times more devices connected to the Internet than people in the World. This data is more than enough proof of the amount of information that is generated every minute, which is a challenge for companies. But how can they take advantage of the data generated daily? In this article we will talk about the main opportunities created by the big data.