New technologies create a large number of opportunities for optimizing resources, but when misused they can compromise the security of citizens’ information. One of the biggest concerns of all companies is the protection of information. Never before had the need to protect data been so evident. Citizens must have control over their personal data and the legal framework of digital business should be simplified and clarified. This happens because, unfortunately, often the personal data of users are illegally captured, which can compromise their entire privacy. All this scenario has boosted the creation of the General Regulation on Data Protection (GDPR) for the European Union, which came into force in May this year, and now Brazil is preparing to receive a new law very similar to the one that already exists in Europe. After more than 8 years of debates in civil society, here comes Law No. 13,709/2018, the Brazilian data protection law. The legislation (LGPD) was sanctioned on August 14 and is expected to come into force in February of 2020. In this article, we highlight the main aspects of this new legislation!