Tag Archive segurança da informação

Find how to protect against key data security threats

Recently, a study found that most hotels don’t adequately protect the data that collects. Increasingly, we are faced with news of this type, which is worrying given the increased security threats. In addition to the increase in these threats, companies still face the “heavy hand” of the GDPR: in Portugal, the new legislation has already made its first “victims” through penalties for offenders. In a digital age where we deal with information every day, we must know how to protect ourselves from the main threats to data security. We’ve prepared 5 key tips to make sure your information is not lost or exposed!

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How to modernize your business without compromising security?

Digital transformation is one of the themes of business moments. All the organizations intend to adopt systems that allow them to modernize their processes and a consequent improvement of the results. However, one of the issues that most worries managers in this area is the possible lack of security that a business modernization can bring. However, it is possible to modernize your business without compromising security. Let’s know how in this article!

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The main pillars of data security in test environments

Companies increasingly protect their most sensitive information, but most of them do not take the same care in test and development environments. In the last decade, there has been a major shift in the way companies deal with their data. Many companies now copy their production databases with real-world data into certification environments, which makes it possible to work with test environments that are all similar to the production environment. The problem is that the development environment does not have the same level of security as the production environment. There is also the problem of using outside companies to work in these environments, leaving data even more vulnerable. Thus, it is critical to protect the test environments and it is on the main security pillars of this area that this article focuses!

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Cybercrime: how to avoid and react to a computer attack?

Computer attacks are a problem for businesses. Cybercrime is on the agenda and businesses need to prepare to avoid these crimes, as information security is increasingly a priority in modern organizations. In such a digital age and where the threats are more than many, how can companies avoid and respond to a computer attack?

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The impact of GDPR in the various sectors of a company

GDPR came into force in May last year and brought many changes to the companies. Almost a year after its arrival, there are still many doubts about the impact that this regulation will have on the various sectors of a company. For this reason, we have prepared an article that talks about the main changes that happen in each sector of the company due to the GDPR!

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Trends in IT Management for 2019

2019 has already arrived and with it has brought new trends in IT management. After a year in which information security was the theme of the day due to the arrival of the new general data protection regulation in the European Union, it is expected that this issue will continue to be of great importance to business. In today’s article, we will talk about the key IT management trends for 2019!

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Key features to increase the security of your business

Businesses live in a digital age and all the information we need to work on a daily basis is stored in a virtual environment. Thus, it is very important to ensure that the most important data in an organization remains protected from potential threats. A security breach can compromise the survival of a business, so it is imperative that companies leverage the most important tools to protect data. In today’s article, we’ve covered key features to increase the security of your business!

Information Security Policy

The security policy is a document developed by the company that records the principles of security that the company adopts and that must be followed by the employees. The security policy should be applied to all information systems, both desktop and mobile. For the policy to be respected, it is essential that top managers participate in its implementation and that there are clarification sessions on each point in this document. Sanctions should also be created for non-compliant employees, as this will make it easier to ensure that employees comply with all standards.

Data masking

Data masking aims at creating a structurally identical version of the data, but not the same as the original version. This technique creates a database with fictitious but realistic information that can be used for testing and training purposes. Data masking solutions offer a variety of sophisticated scrambling techniques to protect sensitive data, irreversibly replacing them with data that is not real, while maintaining the referential integrity of the database. It is increasingly important that companies adopt this technique as computer attacks are becoming more sophisticated, which makes them more unpredictable and more lethal. Datapeers offers a variety of sophisticated scrambling techniques to protect sensitive data, replacing them irreversibly with fictitious but realistic data.

Disaster Recovery Plan

A disaster recovery solution is a very complete process that guarantees data protection and recovery in the event of a failure. Backup is part of disaster recovery, but it is only one of its components. Disaster recovery is a very complete solution since in addition to copying the data it also ensures its restoration efficiently in case of natural disasters or infrastructure failures. This type of solution has as its main objective to eliminate (or at least to minimize on a large scale) the downtime of a company due to failures. RAAS is a disaster recovery service totally managed by specialized equipment and gives you the possibility to recover a virtual server in seconds.

Use updated antivirus on all devices

Incredibly, there are still companies that don’t look at antivirus as an important tool and completely underestimate its use. It is essential to use a good antivirus and ensure that it is always up to date, because only this way you can avoid the entry of viruses. The free antivirus we find on the Web is not able to protect the organization in all its layers, so you should always opt for a full premium version.

Have a good backup policy

It is essential that the most important information of your company has several copies, so that there is no risk of losing data forever. If you saved the data on external disks or pen drives a few years ago, it is now completely advisable to use the Cloud because it is one of the most reliable and reliable solutions on the market. In addition to having your data stored in a secure location, you can access it from anywhere and from any device, as long as you have access to the Internet.

7 tips to ensure the security of your databases

Company databases contain valuable information that cannot be lost or exposed to third parties. A leak of information can compromise the security of an organization and can therefore jeopardize its continuity. With new data protection laws and increasingly sophisticated and unpredictable computer attacks, information security officials are increasingly aware of the need to protect sensitive data that contains private information about customers and vendors. In today’s article, we leave you 7 tips to ensure the security of your databases!

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Automation of information security: yes or no?

Many managers feel that software is faster than people and doesn’t make mistakes. This is a very simplistic view of the machines versus people dichotomy and doesn’t take into account all the valencies of process automation for a company’s productivity. Increasingly, automation is present in everyday business, as services have become more efficient, industry has become more productive and complex tasks are accomplished in a shorter period of time. The automation of information security begins to gain prominence in companies, but there is still a lot of ignorance and a lot of distrust regarding this practice. In today’s article, let’s see if we should say “yes” or “no” to the automation of information security!

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What does my data masking solution need to have?

Data are the most important assets of companies today because it is through them that managers extract information about customers and the market in order to make the best decisions. Never before has there been an awareness that it is necessary and fundamental to protect information. Data masking is a technique that many companies are already using because it allows unauthorized data to remain secure and confidential. This tool is a growing need especially in the companies that generate a great volume of data (Big Data). Nowadays it is very important that companies protect their data in all stages of work, since the data is generated until the moment it is released. Data masking solutions allow data to be protected as long as they are being worked on in test environments until they are stored. Data masking creates a structurally identical version of the database, but it is exchanged for realistic but fictitious data. This makes the data protected and kept confidential. In today’s article, we’ll cover all the features that a data masking solution needs to have!

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