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What to do when computer disaster happens?

It is no longer news that companies need to protect their information more and more. We live in a highly digital world and therefore the threats have proliferated at a very fast speed. Nowadays companies need to effectively use data security solutions, otherwise they will be able to see their confidential information exposed. A security breach can be dramatic for a business, and may even dictate its end. When a computer disaster knocks on our door, it is normal for us to be disoriented and at an early stage we do not know what to do. In today’s article, we leave you some tips on what to do in case of computer disaster!

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Data management: How it works and how to do it?

In the quest for greater control over the quality of information, the best way to do this is to understand what quality is, and how important it is to the company in the process as a whole. Most companies consider data as crucial elements in their strategies. This is evident, because if the quality of the data is not satisfactory, the information will be incomplete, expensive and inconsistent, which in the end will bring enormous inconvenience to the fulfillment of the strategies.

The data can be considered active, and therefore must be managed. We know that the poor quality of the data compromises both the development of the projects and the final result, because without the establishment of effective data management, we can not expect a good quality of the data.

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