Tag Archive dados privados

7 Infallible Tips to Protect Your Corporate Email

Corporate e-mail is one of the most commonly used tools in companies and stores important and sensitive information, so there should be maximum care in protecting them. Almost all important business information is passed via email and you need to take proactive action in this area so there is no risk of losing sensitive data. In today’s article, we present you 7 foolproof tips to protect your corporate email!

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Trends in information security for the next years

Information security is one of the areas that has evolved most over the years, in particular due to the increasing number of threats in the web world. Today, more than ever, information is seen by companies as a commodity that needs to be highly protected because it is through the data that companies make decisions and that make the business grow. In today’s article, we address information security trends for years to come!

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How to avoid the GDPR fines?

GDPR has arrived and brings huge changes to how companies need to deal with the personal data of their customers and other stakeholders. The portability of data, the right to forgetfulness and the obligation (or not) of the existence of a general data protection officer are some of the main changes that the legislation brings. However, one of the major concerns of companies is related to the large fines that the law provides for offenders. The new GDPR focuses heavily on enforcement and penalties, through the application of high fines for offenders. In cases of minor breaches it may reach 10 million euros or 2% of the global turnover of the group in which the company operates and in the worst cases may reach 20 million euros or 4% of world turnover. So it is essential to know how to avoid the fines of the GDPR!

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How Encryption Can Help Save Your Business

Data security is imperative for any business, and more and more companies need tools and strategies to protect their sensitive data. Computer attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated, so that responsible people for information security are always alert and have a proactive attitude to security. Files containing important and confidential information must be encrypted in order to ensure that only authorized persons can access the information. In today’s article, we’ll explain to you how encryption can help save your business!

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What the dark web can teach us about information security

Dark web is a portion of the World Wide Web known for being used by black market visitors. It’s a set of encrypted networks that are hidden from the “normal” and visible Internet. Dark web sites are not found through search engines or via the link in a normal browser. The dark web is very appealing to criminals, since the domain and origins of information are disguised. This dark side of the Internet contains 7500 terabytes of data, a frighteningly higher value than the 19 terabytes that the visible Internet saves. This is a conducive environment for data theft and for cyber crimes, so we have a lot to learn from this medium. So, today we will address the main lessons that the dark web can teach us about information security.

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Disastrous consequences of lack of data security

Data security is imperative for any business, and more and more companies need tools and strategies to protect their sensitive data. Computer attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated, so that those responsible for information security are always alert and have a proactive attitude to security. When data security fails, the consequences for a company can be disastrous, leading to its end. In today’s article, we talked about the main consequences of lack of data security!

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What to do in case of private data breach?

The new General Regulation on Data Protection takes effect in a few days. The new legislation provides for heavy fines for infringements and one of the main concerns of companies is related to possible private data breaches. Companies are increasingly concerned about the security of their customers ‘and vendors’ private data as security threats have increased in number and efficiency. But after all, what to do in case of private data breach?

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GDPR Glossary: all the terms you need to know

The new GDPR – General Regulation on Data Protection – was published on May 4, 2016 and becomes mandatory on May 25, 2018. This new regulation aims to guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of data of the citizens of the European Union. Here are some of the most important terms and their meaning, so that you can receive the new Regulation accordingly.

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