Yearly Archive 2019

Machine Learning and Security: How to Keep Information Safe?

Many companies have started using machine learning to protect their information. In addition to increasing efficiency in data protection, applying artificial intelligence techniques to information security enables companies to be able to prevent attacks in real time, thus avoiding financial loss. Protecting information is a constant concern within companies and with the arrival of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, machine learning solutions are capable of learning behaviors and setting new security standards. In today’s article, we’ll take a look at how machine learning helps keep business information secure!

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Simple tips to ensure the privacy of your data

We have never been as concerned about privacy as we are today. Our privacy can be invaded at virtually any time, from data theft on Facebook or theft of bank data. Actually, there are more and more computer attacks, but it is also our responsibility. It is crucial to have good habits to keep our data safe. We have selected a few simple tips to protect the privacy of your data and present them in this article!

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The Advantages of Masking Your Data with Datapeers

Protecting data is essential, especially the most sensitive data. No business wants to see its data exposed, as such a situation can lead a business to bankruptcy. More than ever, companies are concerned about the security of their information as a result of the growing importance that data has gained in recent years. One of the most effective ways to protect confidential information is through data masking. Data masking aims at creating a structurally identical but not equal version of the data. This technique creates a database with fictitious but realistic information that can be used for testing and training purposes. Data masking solutions offer a variety of sophisticated scrambling techniques to protect sensitive data, irreversibly replacing it with unrealistic data while maintaining referential integrity of the database. It is therefore a real and growing need in contemporary organizations. In today’s article, we present the advantages of masking your data with Datapeers!

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5 Information Security Tips for All Businesses

Nowadays, we use the Internet to do (almost) everything: shopping, watching movies and series, making bank transfers, checking important data, and much more. And if before we could only do all these things through a fixed computer, nowadays we can do all this through a smartphone or a tablet. This whole new world of possibilities has brought with it numerous computer threats, so information security has become a priority for organizations. Protecting against cyber attacks today is not a choice but a necessity, and the numbers are not misleading: about 60% of small and medium-sized businesses do not reopen after suffering a cyber attack. Therefore, it is essential that companies protect themselves properly. In today’s article, we leave you 5 days of information security so you can apply it to your business!

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Security Trends for 2020

2019 is rapidly moving towards its end and it is time for us to anticipate trends. The area of ​​information security has been one of the main concerns of companies, due to the high number of threats that companies face and also due to the recently legislation in Europe and Brazil. By 2020, security will continue to be a priority for companies wishing to ensure that their data remains confidential. In today’s article, we present the top security trends for 2020!

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GDPR: What has changed throughout its implementation?

Much has been said about the GDPR in 2018. The new regulation came into force in May last year and thousands of news related to the law came out. A year and a half after its arrival, few people talk about this legislation that promised to drastically change the way companies relate to their customers and business partners. We are currently experiencing a “non-reaction” phase to the GDPR, which could compromise data security and could result in huge fines for non-compliant. We will understand in this article what is the state of play regarding the General Data Protection Regulation!

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5 Fatal Mistakes for the Security of Any Business

Information security in companies is an increasingly debated topic. Companies need to protect themselves to ensure their data is not lost in the event of a computer attack or natural disaster. Although there is growing concern about this topic, many companies still make mistakes that can totally compromise business continuity. In today’s article we present the 5 fatal errors for the security of any business!

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Meet the new data protection laws in the world

Today’s world is digital, so more and more companies are taking advantage of information and big data to gain relevant insights into markets and the business itself. Internet access is nowadays universal and the massive use of social media captures a huge volume of data. Data privacy is one of the key challenges facing companies today. There is a growing collection of user data, and more and more computer attacks that expose private data and cause huge financial losses to businesses. To combat these threats and to ensure that sensitive information remains private, several countries and regions have begun to implement measures to punish organizations that don’t safeguard information security. In today’s article, we will learn about the new data protection laws in the world!

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Understand the difference between data security and privacy

Data security and privacy are two concepts that go hand in hand. Many people confuse the concepts and think they are the same thing. However, while they have the common goal of protecting sensitive data, data security and privacy are not the same thing and have different approaches to achieving the goal they share. In today’s article, we will understand the differences between these two concepts and understand how we can keep data private and secure!

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How to handle private data effectively?

Data privacy remains one of the biggest concerns for companies. Increasingly, there is a need to ensure that information shared by customers, suppliers and partners remains private and secure. Another point that increases the need for greater information protection is the increased number and sophistication of attacks and hackers, who can easily access a system and clone or erase all information. In this article, we will understand how we can handle private data effectively.

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