Tag Archive gestão de dados

Are you prepared for GDPR?

GDPR is the theme of the moment. On 25 May, the new regulation that protects the personal data of citizens of the European Union comes into force on a compulsory basis. The main changes in this law to the current law are related to the right to forgetfulness, the right to portability of data and changes in consent to the authorization of data processing by citizens. In today’s article we will address the changes that GDPR will bring to your company!

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5 mistakes to avoid when backing up data

Data are increasingly important to companies and must be addressed as best they can so they can provide the outputs needed for decision-making. Backup is one of the key measures of information protection, since it ensures that the data is secure and protected even in cases of problems with machines and computer attacks. However, backups are not always managed in the best way and in today’s article we will present 5 errors to avoid when backing up data!

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Get to know the 4 types of Data Analytics and find how to use them in your business

It is no longer surprising that companies deal with a large amount of data, which makes it difficult to analyze them and consequently make decisions. It is now necessary to cross-reference data from a variety of data sources, gain insights, and analyze consumer and market information. In today’s article, we’ll cover the 4 types of Data Analytics that you can (and should) use in your business!

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Data Centralization: find what it is and its Importance

Customer relationship management is essential in today’s competitive marketplace. Winning a new customer can cost up to 5 times more than keeping current customers, so it is vital to know customers well and their needs. The customer’s data storage, when done correctly, allows us to know the profile of the client-type and define strategies to nurture the existing relationship. In today’s article, we will talk about data centralization and explain why it is so important in today’s marketplace!

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How to optimize your company’s data management?

It is essential to analize data in order to make the best possible decisions. The data must be organized so that we can provide relevant information about the actual state of the business, because only then we will be able to decide consciously. Companies are currently experiencing difficulties in organizing and structuring data as there is more and more information (the so-called Big Data) and managers don’t always know how to deal with it. In today’s article we leave you some essential tips for optimizing the results of your business through a correct data management!

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What is a Data Scientist?

The new profession of the future, according to many predictions, is to be a data scientist. We live in an age where everywhere we are “bombarded” with information and it is no longer new that there is a huge amount of data that is generated daily. The so-called Big Data has changed everything, especially the way companies work. In a time when such a large amount of information exists, it becomes difficult to analyze all the data and make the right decisions. To help simplify this task, the data scientist emerged. In this article, we will explain to you what this professional of modern times does and what are his main goals!

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